The Joy of Raising Sons

I am the oldest of my sisters. I don’t have any brothers and so having 2 sons was a completely new and wonderful experience. I am enjoying every day with them. I am excited for the wonderful gentleman they are becoming and the possibilities that the future holds for them.

When I was pregnant, friends warned me about how fast they will grow. The best advice given was to pray for them, not only for today, but for the future, as well. I am that I heeded that advice. All of my prayers end with, “may God’s will be done.” The oldest is a teenager and  the youngest is on the brink of his teen years. It does go by fast, too fast. I’m blessed to see how my prayers for them have been answered and continue to be answered.

It is a blessing to be a mother. I cherish the privilege to help raise my sons. It is a joy.