Happy Anniversary!

Wedding Day 3

Ted and Marva Goins at English Turn Country Club, New Orleans, LA on July 5, 1997

Today, my husband, Ted, and I are celebrating 18 years of marriage.  Eighteen years is quite an accomplishment, considering that up to 50% of marriages end in divorce. Reaching this point has been the most challenging, most rewarding, and happiest times of our lives. The road has not been perfect. There have been tears shed, fights lost, and battles won. Yet, the beauty is found in that we made the journey together. Our priority, then and today, is our marriage. It is not only important for us, but for our children, too. The growth and development of a child in a loving Christian home with both parents is a blessing.

I want to say thank you and I love you to my loving husband, Ted. He understands and tolerates my flaws and appreciates my strengths. I love how our strengths compliments each others weaknesses. I really appreciate how we pray for each other and our boys. I love how he serves in the church and our community. I love that he is my coach and I am his cheerleader. I love how we can be our true authentic selves around each other. May God continue to bless our marriage. I look for to celebrating our 20th, 25th, 50th, and as many more as we are blessed to enjoy with each other.

Ted and Marva

Ted and Marva Goins at the Dallas Arboretum in May 2014

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